Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Well my owner and I don't care much.
I am drinking. And now I am bored.
Well this is going to be a very short blog. Sorry. I don't have much to talk about. I just sleep on my owner's bed all day. I learned that sleeping on the pillows is like super comfy. I sleep on the little round one she doesn't use.
Random picture of a zebra to celebrate my fluffiness.
Here is a REAL ZEBRA!!!!
My owner made a meme for this one

Never heard of Dope Zebra?
Well, now you did.

Well I got to go watch Meow, the new pet fish.
Don't worry. I have been trained not to eat them.

Friday, December 28, 2012


I started my day with sleeping.
I ate a little, pooped a little, peed a little, drank a little. Then my owner came and we where bored to death so we just watched Meow, the new fish.  (See picture of him in his panda teddy tank above.)

Finding Nemo:
Fish are friends
Not food

Fish are TV
not food

See the difference?
I love fish <3
I don't eat them though. I was taught not to and I am a good kitty.
Well, I have got to go. My favorite TV show is on (On the panda's stomach).
It is called dinner for Meow

Good night


<3 u all

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Good morning!

Mommy is pissed because her mom called her when she was asleep and so when Mommy woke up she texted her mom and then her mom called her and yelled at her because she didn't call or text her mom, which she did.
So now her laptop might get taken away from her mother, so I might not be able to post for a while.
I do not have that many page views. :(
Sadness                                                   My nose tastes good!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Yes, it is I, your favorites cat in the world
I am on a bed :)
Such a soft, comfy bed. And now I have to poop.
Got to go use the little kitties box.

Monday, December 24, 2012

1st post EVER

Hi, guys!
happy holidays! It is Christmas eve.
The only bad thing is that 2 of my owner's cousins, are coming over. I hate them! Their names are Ava and Missy. Ava is a brat and likes to swing me around in circles. Missy tries mothering every one. It really pisses my owner off. She is hanging out with me and her other cousin, Rebecca, who we will be talking about shortly. And suddenly Ava, Missy, Justin, and Zack are all down here hating. Because haters hate. It is the way it works. Then Missy yells at my owner from being on her laptop when we have company and my owner is like, "whoa! It is my house. It is my laptop. I can show MY cousin videos on MY laptop at MY house during MY party. Who are you to just barge in MY room and start nagging?" And that is the end of that.
Except Missy goes and cries in the bathroom and throw all of her tissues in the toilet. Then my owner has to unplug it and then she gets in trouble from making Missy cry. Then she has to stay in her room for the rest of the night, and Rebecca and her aren't allowed to talk any more. Except on facebook, but chances are that my owner's mom is gonna take her laptop away. This happens every time. My owner begs and pleads for a Christmas party. She cooks and decorates. All just to be treated like crap. But this year, she has a different plan. Her and Rebecca are gonna stay in her room. Rebecca and her ARE gonna watch youtube videos. And she is gonna do the same thing as every year. And when she gets in trouble after a while Missy sneaks down stairs. My owner is going to say "how dare you? I had to beg my mom so we can throw this party, and just so YOU can get ME in trouble and ruin it all for me? Get away!" and by then Rebecca would have noticed that Missy was down stairs probably annoying my owner. So she will be down there right about then. And then Rebecca will stick up for my owner until Missy goes away. And if Missy wants to put up a fight, like how she normally does, my owner will give her a fight. And then my owner and Rebecca will stay down stairs with me for the rest of the night.
So, here is about Rebecca.
She is the first to take my owner's side in this sort of thing, and they look out for each other. She is also the mother of my husband, Charlie. He doesn't have a blog.... yet.
well, it is 6:19. The party started at 5. No one is here yet. Forever alone....!
Well I am soooo bored and soooo got to go. Even if no one showed up (yet) doesn't mean that I am not one of the hosts of the party. Maybe some one is here. I did hear the dogs running up stairs. Maybe I just don't know because I am in the basement.
Well, by!